Girlsgonerx NVA: Kettlebelles
My husband and I started our Crossfit journey in April of 2021 after moving to Fauquier county in Virginia. Fitness had become a huge part of our life once I found out at the age 25 that I was positive for the BRCA 2 mutation, increasing my risk of Breath Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Skin Cancer. Every year I went in for my preventative screenings and every year I thought it would be years if at all until I had deal with the effects of my gene mutation.
Shortly after joining Crossfit VintHill I celebrated my 30th birthday. I was loving CrossFit and the how I could compete with myself each day, pushing it to new levels. I was loving the community that I had found in CFVH not knowing that in the near future they would be a huge support system.
In May I went in for my routine mammogram and was notified that there was a spot of concern, which led to a biopsy. Two weeks later I found out I had Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, the pre-stage of breast cancer. On June 29th I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction.
I had surprisingly kept my emotions controlled throughout the multiple screenings, the biopsy, and the meeting with my oncologist where we decided on surgery. But what finally got me was my last WOD on June 25th. As I was putting away my weights and barbell, I broke down. The thought of not being able to come to my box for an unknown amount of time and the thought that I may not be able to participate in fitness again really scared me.My movements started out very similarly to CrossFit, minus the intensity, and eventually turned into walking, an easy bike, or a row with some mobility or yoga. Thankfully, one of the other coaches at the gym was often willing to take me on my walks when my energy and motivation was low, she even cans to my house to workout and stretch with me. Thanks Coach Tina!
Throughout my recovery Alana, Rob and the entire CFVH community supported me in multiple ways from meals to sending encouragement home with my husband. When I finally got the all clear from my oncologist that I could begin exercise again, you better believe I signed up for class the moment I got into the car. My coaches did an amazing job modifying the WODs for me, but still pushed me to set goals and challenge myself.
Fast forward to September when CFVH announced that they would be hosting a GirlsGoneRX competition. I was immediately intrigued, but quickly got into my head that I wasn't ready. The weeks went by and I had put the competition on the back burner. One day my coach Kristen reached out to me about a pair of ladies that were looking for their third teammate. I was hesitant, but I knew I needed to do it so I signed up.
As competition day approached my teammates Regina, Michele and I began planning out our strategy figuring out our rotations and our loads. Then the day arrived and I was excited, but very anxious at the same time. All it took was the first WOD for me to become completely hooked. I was having so much fun! I was loving testing the limits of my body. I was loving watching two incredible women kick butt and get PRs. I was loving how everyone was cheering and supporting each other regardless of the "competition" factor.
The 1st place was definitely a cherry on top, but this competition was definitely a milestone for this past year! One of my biggest fears about my surgery was the worry of not being able to participate in fitness again. Oct 29th marked my 5 months post op and I never would have expected to be where I am today.
The 1st place was definitely a cherry on top, but this competition was definitely a milestone for this past year! One of my biggest fears about my surgery was the worry of not being able to participate in fitness again. Oct 29th marked my 5 months post op and I never would have expected to be where I am today.
I am so grateful for organizations like GirlsGoneRx that help raise awareness for breast cancer and encouraging women to be on top of their health. I am grateful for the experience that helped me believe that I can be every bit of the athlete I was and then some.