Divisions for Girls Gone Rx

Here is a quick description to help you determine what division to register for. The movements listed in the descriptions are just examples and not limited to just those movements. 

  • RX Division :: Your team performs daily WODs without scaling or modifying. You can efficiently do movements like pull-ups, double unders, & handstand pushups. You are confident with a barbell and can do full Squat Snatches and/or full Squat Clean at or above 95lbs.

  • Bam Division (Badass In the Making) :: Athletes that are new to the competition scene or beginners. Needs to do modifications in most WODs, new to olympic lifting, and newer to functional fitness. Typically, this would be your first or possibly second competition. 

RX Division

General Movement standards

Recommend having a versatile team in which each teammate or partner excels in one of the 3 modalities: gymnastics, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning. 
These are general movement standards, please refer to your specific event for exact standards. Once workouts are announced you can always change divisions.

  • Back squat
    Front squat
    Overhead squats

    Standard squats.
    Barbell starts on the ground at for each. Athlete or teammates can help pick up bar and place on 1 teammates back/shoulders. Must go below parallel. Teammates can help lift bar or be a “rack” if needed. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.

    Power Cleans:

    This is a standard Power clean from the ground to the shoulders. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The barbell must come up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended and the elbows in front of the bar.

    Squat Clean:

    In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to overhead with the athlete passing through a full squat position while the barbell is racked on the shoulder


    The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athletes hands must be outside their knees.

  • Toes to Bar

    The athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must touch the bar together at some point. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back to behind the bar, not out front.

  • Synchro burpee box jump overs:

    Chest to deck must meet at same time as partner on side of the box. Both partners must jump with two feet and land with two feet, but can step or jump off box. Once both partners are on the other side of the box, the rep is credited


    These are standard double-unders with the rope passing twice around the body in a forward motion with each jump. Swinging the rope backward is not permitted. For the rep to count, the rope must clear twice. Attempts where the rope catches before clearing twice do not count. You are permitted to use your own rope.

BAM Division

  • Back squat
    Front squat
    Overhead squats

    Standard squats:
    Barbell starts on the ground at for each. Athlete or teammates can help pick up bar and place on 1 teammates back/shoulders. Must go below parallel. Teammates can help lift bar or be a “rack” if needed. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.

    Power Cleans:

    This is a standard Power clean from the ground to the shoulders. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The barbell must come up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended and the elbows in front of the bar.

    Squat Clean:

    In this movement, the athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below the knees


    The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athletes hands must be outside their knees.

  • Wall Walks:

    Taped line 55 inches from the wall to the edge of the tape that is CLOSEST to the wall. Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must be in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. The athlete will walk up the wall until both hands are on the other side of the 2-inch tape line. The fingers may NOT be touching the tapeline.
On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are in front of the tape line. The rep is counted when the athlete returns to the starting position, with the hands in front of the line and the chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground.

    Knees to Chest:

    At the top of the repetition, the athlete must raise the knees above the height of the hips. Athletes may wrap tape around the pull-up bar OR wear hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.), but they may not tape the bar AND wear hand protection

    Jumping Pull Ups:

    The bar should be set so it is at least 4-8" above the top of the athlete's head when the athlete is standing tall. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. Any grip is permitted. At the top, the chin must be over the bar (chest to bar the chest must touch the bar)

  • Synchro burpee box jump overs:

    Chest to deck must meet at same time as partner on side of the box. Both partners can step up and can step or jump off box. Once both partners are on the other side of the box, the rep is credited

  • Each complex is unbroken and must be completed without dropping or resting barbell on the ground.

    Partner 1: 3 Deadlifts + 2 Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean

    3 Deadlifts:
    The Athlete will deadlift a barbell from the ground to a standing position, 3 times, finishing when hips and knees are fully extended, and shoulders are behind the plane of the barbell. Athletes may only use an overhand grip (no requirement on hand spacing), no alternate grip or straps.

    2 Hang Squat Cleans:
    The second part of the complex begins without the barbell returning to the ground and after the completion of the Deadlift. This rep begins in the hang position; which may be below, above, or power position, the Athletes choice. The barbell is brought from the hang position to the full squat receiving position, and finally to the end of the lift with the bar in the front rack. The repetition finishes when the barbell is resting on the athlete's shoulders, elbows in front of the barbell, with the hips and knees fully extended, and feet back in line and underneath the Athletes body.

    1 Squat Clean:
    The final portion of this complex, the barbell goes down to the ground (after finishing the hang squat clean). The rep is complete when the athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders in the front-rack position with the athlete’s elbows in front of the bar. Power clean, and then a front squat is not permitted. Hang squat cleans are not permitted for this portion of the complex.

    Partner 2:
    Squat Clean + Split Jerk + Front Squat + Split Jerk

    *If you fail any portion of this complex, you must start over due to safety.

    Squat Clean:
    The barbell begins on the ground and goes from ground to shoulder, although the athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below the knees. Rep is complete when the athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders in the front-rack position with the athlete’s elbows in front of the bar. Hang squat cleans are not permitted.

    Split Jerk:
    The rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. Split Stance and as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line.

    Front Squat:
    Begins after the jerk is racked onto shoulders; At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.

    Split Jerk:
    The final portion of this complex finishes with another split jerk, rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. Split Stance and as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line.